Courses Available Now

Study the 2024 verifiable subjects and make the individual selections that suit you.
All verifiable subjects for 2024 are available. Remember that you need to complete the mandatory subjects for a total of two hours and then make your selections from the elective subjects for a total of eight hours.
($20.00 +GST)
An easy way to satisfy the REA requirements of your verifiable training. Each bundle has the mandatory subjects for a total of two hours plus eight hours of elective subjects.
A selection of bundles are available for you to choose from. Competitively priced this is the best way to complete your verifiable training and save money !
($93.50 +GST)
Are you required by the REA to complete a refresher course to reactivate your real estate license?
Here is the course that you need to do! Enroll now and purchase the bundle at a competitive price
 ($65.00 +GST).
The REA may require a licensee to complete the verifiable training for the 2023 year. 

Here we have a bundle that satisfies the REA verifiable training requirement for the previous year with the added requirement that  students need to also enrol in separate Te Kakano (The Seed) course provided by a specialist provider. Details are on

Competitively priced enroll now and finish as required.
($65.00 +GST).